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How To Open A Wine Bottle Without A Corkscrew?


Opening a bottle of wine without a corkscrew may sound impossible. But it is pretty simple if you have the right tools and a little bit of patience. There are several methods on how to open a wine bottle without a corkscrew. And no matter which method you choose, it is important to be careful when opening a wine bottle without a corkscrew. In this article, you will see how to open wine without a corkscrew.

How to open a wine bottle without a corkscrew?

1. Screw and hammer method

The easiest way on how to open a wine bottle without a corkscrew is to use a screw and a hammer.
Begin by finding a screw that is slightly smaller than the cork. Carefully insert the screw into the cork and then use the hammer to drive the screw into the cork. This will create a hole in the cork that will allow air to escape and make the cork easier to remove. Once the screw is fully inserted into the cork, use your hands to pull the cork out gently.

2. Shoe method

shoe method

Another way of opening wine without a corkscrew is to use a shoe. To do this, place the bottle of wine in a shoe and slam the bottom against a wall or other sturdy surface. This will create a vacuum seal that will pull the cork out of the bottle.

3. Key method

key method

The key method is another simple way on how to open a wine bottle without a opener. Start by finding a wide enough key to fit around the cork. Insert the key into the cork and twist it until it comes out. This method may take some time and effort, but it will eventually result in a successful opening.

4. Use a hanger

Another method of opening wine without a corkscrew is a hanger. By mastering the process, you won’t have to worry about opening wine when a corkscrew is unavailable. To use the hanger, the first thing you should do is unwind one side of the hanger. Doing this will help you to create a straight rod. After that, bend the end of the hanger about an inch from the tip to create a hook. Place the hook on the bottle’s neck, and push it down to the bottom. Twist the hanger back and forth while pulling upwards, and use the hook to try to catch the lip of the cork. Once the hook is secure, pull and twist the hanger to remove the cork. Ensure the cork is completely removed, as small pieces can still be stuck in the neck.

5. Using tweezers

Using tweezers to open a wine bottle is another simple means of  how to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew. In the process, you don’t have to worry about breaking the bottle. With a pair of tweezers, you will get your wine bottle opened. To use tweezers, Insert them into the top of the cork and grip them firmly. After that, push the tweezers into the cork and twist them back and forth until you feel the cork start to move. Then, pull the cork out of the bottle with the tweezers.

6. Serrated knife method

Without a corkscrew, a wine bottle can be opened using an alternative method of a serrated knife. The first step is to cut off the top of the bottle’s neck. To do this, place the knife on the lip of the bottle and carefully saw away at it. Make sure to cut at an angle so the neck of the bottle is shorter than the base.
Once you have cut the top off, use the knife blade to push the cork into the bottle. To do this, place the knife’s blade in the centre of the cork and gently push it down. This will cause the cork to compress and move into the bottle. After this, use the knife to pry it out of the bottle. To do this, position the knife blade on the lip of the bottle and gently pull on the knife’s handle. This should cause the cork to pop out of the bottle.

7. Using screw hooks

using screw hooks

Many wine lovers may need help opening bottles when the corkscrew is not within reach. Learning how to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew will make it easy. To open with screw hooks, gather the necessary materials. A screw hook, a hammer, and a towel will be needed. The towel will be used to protect the bottle and your hands.
Place the towel on a flat surface and place the bottle on top. Then, insert the screw hook into the cork. Make sure the hook is inserted straight and firmly in place.
Once the hook is in place, you can use the hammer to slowly and gently tap the end of the screw hook. With this, the cork will come out gradually from the bottle. You can then use your finger to pull the rest out once it has come out. Be careful with it to avoid breaking the bottle. Once the cork is removed, you can use the screw hook to pull the cork out of the bottle. This will ensure that no pieces of cork remain in the bottle.
If the cork is too stubborn to come out, use a pair of pliers to help remove it. Use the pliers to grip the cork and gently pull it out.

8. Opening the cork with a pen

This is another hack on how to open a wine bottle without an opener. If you have never seen it done before, using a pen to open a wine bottle may amaze you. In this method, the first thing is to remove the foil covering the cork. Cut around the edge of the foil with a sharp knife or scissors. Once that is done, insert the pen into the wine bottle. Start by gently pushing the pen into the cork until it is flush with the top of the bottle. Ensure the pen is inserted securely and the tip is pointing up. Then, twist and pull it out of the bottle. Twist the pen clockwise and pull it out in a slow, steady motion. This should cause the cork to begin to come out of the bottle. Once the cork has started coming out of the bottle, you can finish by pulling it out with your hands. Pull the cork out slowly and carefully so it does not break.

9. Opening wine bottle using a bike pump

Opening a wine cork with a bike pump is another way to open a wine bottle without a corkscrew. The bike pump must have a nozzle that fits the bottle size you want to open. Place the nozzle firmly into the bottle’s opening and gently pump the handle to create a vacuum. As you pump, the pressure will slowly increase, and the cork will begin to pop out of the bottle. When the cork is almost completely out, use a knife or a spoon to pry the rest out of the way gently.

10. Opening cork with lighter

This is one of the quick and easy-to-do methods on how to open wine without a corkscrew. The process involves here requires a lighter and a towel. Place the tip of the flame of the lighter against the cork. And start moving the lighter around the circumference of the cork, heating it and softening it. Once the cork is soft and pliable, use the lighter to push the cork out of the neck of the bottle. Grasp the bottle and the cork with the towel firmly and twist the bottle back and forth. This will loosen the cork from the neck of the bottle.
Then, you can pull it out with your hands.

Precautions to take in opening a wine bottle without a corkscrew

Following the proper precautions can make opening wine without a corkscrew safer and easier.

  • Choose the right tool: The most common tools to open a wine bottle without a corkscrew are a knife, a shoe, and a key. However, it is crucial to use the right tool for the job. A knife should be used for bottles with plastic or synthetic-based corks. A shoe should be used for bottles with natural corks, and a key should be used for bottles with metal screwcaps.
  • Prepare the bottle: Before attempting to open the wine bottle, remove any wrapping or labels from the bottle. This will make the task easier and reduce the risk of the bottle breaking.
  • Open the bottle carefully: When using any above methods to open the wine bottle, it is important to be extremely careful. A wrong move could cause the bottle to break and cause injury.
  • Use a towel: wrap a towel around the bottle before attempting to open it. This will help absorb some of the pressure and force and prevent breaking.
  • Open the bottle slowly: open the wine bottle slowly and steadily. This will reduce the risk of the bottle breaking and help preserve the wine’s flavor and aroma.


Opening a wine bottle without a corkscrew may seem like a daunting task. But with the right tools and a bit of patience, it can be done. Using a shoe, a screw, and a hammer, you can quickly and effectively remove the cork from the bottle. If you don’t have these items, you use a knife, a pair of scissors, a key, or any of the above methods to remove the cork. No matter which way you choose, be careful and take your time. With the right technique, you can open a wine bottle without a corkscrew in no time.

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